Coolfrog wrote:
Heya good people,
Trust you are all well. Ts been a while, and a roller Coaster.
Been thinking about dropping a line on here for some years.
Just to thank everybody from lofty to Helen and the main admin lady , to expand map case woodcock, Craig , magister, Dave , the teacher photographer and every single body I was lucky enough to interact with or even just read. When this forum started , Facebook twitter and all where just starting and it really felt like something special , unique. Like the best side of the internet. So many laughs !
Wanted also to thank RH For the lush music and for pushing Sheffield in interviews in his songs and in here. Spent almost 15 years in uk. Mainly london but went and discovered Sheffield and its people thanks to him and this is priceless.
Any roads, long story short :
Je vous aime. Take care and much love ,
Folks don't drop in here as much as they used to - Facebook Hawley page being the place now - which is [fairly] sanitised unlike here which isn't or more accurately wasn't - I used to look forward to the cyber fights and flouncing and the expose of Man with Range Rover [FB wasn't happy with that photo being uploaded by myself a few weeks back] - looking back it appears for me it started just over 13 years ago...Je ne regrette rien as they say in Fagans...